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    Ode to the Guinea Pig

    May 31 2015

    ddaley | Uncategorized

    By Dr. Patrick Glidden We love your bright eyes You’re upbeat and happy Your soft fuzzy lips Makes my heart go all sappy You have beauty and grace, With long…

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    Pain in the Rear End

    May 31 2015

    ddaley | Uncategorized

    Q: My dog has been scooting his rear across the floor again. I keep taking a stool sample to the vets to check for worms. How come they can’t find…

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    Cats and Ferrets and H1N1

    May 31 2015

    ddaley | Uncategorized

    Currently there have been confirmed cases of H1N1 in swine, cats and ferrets.   We have received many calls recently regarding the risks and treatments of suspected cases.  The FAQ’s below…

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    Housetraining a Puppy or Re-training an Adult Dog

    May 31 2015

    ddaley | Uncategorized

    Dogs are basically clean animals; they don’t like to spend time where they’ve urinated or defecated. Some dogs adopted as adults may need a refresher course in housetraining. The same…

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    Nothing in Life is Free

    May 31 2015

    ddaley | Uncategorized

    Does your dog… …get on the furniture and refuse to get off? …nudge your hand, insisting on being petted or played with? …refuse to come when called? …defend his food…

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    Crate Training Your Dog

    May 31 2015

    ddaley | Uncategorized

    Just as you would not leave a two-year old child alone in your house, you should not leave your dog unsupervised until he is completely trained. A dog left alone…